discover the possibilities of

innovative & super fun

Matrix Games is a new form of innovative and active entertainment, where participants can pass different levels through movement.

Discover the Immersive Gaming World of Matrix Games


By completing various tasks of agility, speed, creative thinking and perspicacity, you can try to beat The Matrix. The better the team’s cooperation, the more game points it scores. Results can be improved through the highscore system, thus promoting repeat visits.

What are Matrix Games?

Using our own unique software, we have built a complete interactive experience.

A matrix of interactive tiles in different formats is available. A wide variety of games can be played on this matrix. All these games have been developed by us

Want to see the floor in action? Drop by our location and we will gladly give you a demo and explain the possibilities.

WHO are Matrix Games?

We are Matrix Games, totally crazy about innovations, interactive games and movement! With a passion for everything to do with innovation and movement, former Olympian, Tim Hoeijmans, is the creative force behind this concept.

Since 2020, we have been developing Matrix Games from our beautiful location, at Ploegstraat 3 in Eindhoven. The power of this product lies in our unique software.

Various games and levels

We develop the games ourselves and try to release a new game every month. Each game has several levels. Some games also have several game modes to choose from. There are games where everyone can play at the same time, but also games where you play one-on-one. A very wide variety of options.

We have games such as: The FLoor is Lava, twister, Pong, Color Graze, Memory, Dodge the fire and minesweeper.

Choose your battle

Team mode

Play together with your team and try to grab the highscore!

Survival mode

Who will complete the most levels before running out of lives? Test your skills!

Battle mode

Play against your teammates, who is the Master of the Matrix?

matrix advantage

Returing customer

the game is points-based, so players are driven to improve their results or break other teams' records. Players return!

Number of players

A new session every 30 minutes. Multiple teams (minimum of 2 to maximum 9 people* per team) can play simultaneously. *This depends on the floor space.


Full automation of the game process, requiring only one supervisor to supervise the game supervision.

The different set-ups

Here are several possible setups for Beat the Matrix. From minimal setup where only very limited games are possible up to 4 people to a pretty large area where you can play up to 9 people at a time. Looking for a custom-made floor? That’s possible too, just get in touch for the possibilities.

m6 | 300 x 450 cm

M6+ | 360 x 540 cm

M9 | 540 x 540 cm

M9+ | 630 x 630 cm

Easy to use!

With our software, you also get a dashboard with it. A front-end for the guests, which they can control all by themselves. Here they can also order drinks and choose the game they want to play. From nice and active to a quieter puzzle game.

In the back-end, the location has the possibility to adjust a number of settings, such as duration of a reservation, which room/floor is active and, if necessary, to adjust the styling a little.

This system allows you to control multiple floors and because guests can control the games etc themselves, you can keep your staff costs down.

Interested? Contact us or drop by our location to see the floor and software in action!

Matrix Games
onderdeel van City Gaming BV

Ploegstraat 3
5615 HA Eindhoven
T. +31 (0)40 298 95 35
 +31 (0)6 134 087 96

KvKnr. 63019469
BTWnr. NL 8550.57.634.B01

Matrix Games is een handelsnaam van de besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid City Gaming BV, welke vennootschap is ingeschreven in het handelsregister onder nummer 63019469. Iedere aansprakelijkheid is beperkt tot het bedrag dat in het betreffende geval door beroepsaansprakelijkheidsverzekeraar wordt uitbetaald. Van toepassing zijn de algemene voorwaarden